Luke 4:14-44
Julian Bacon
Series: Luke

Jesus Is Our Jubilee
Luke 4:14-44
Jesus' proclamation of Jubilee (Luke 4:16-22a)
OT background - Lev 25:10-11, Isa 61, Jer 34, Ezek 46
Jubilee is fulfilled in their hearing
Jesus' ministry teaches the kind of release he brings, the release from sins.
Jesus' works of Jubilee (Luke 4:31-35, 38-41, 43-44)
Jesus teaches
Jesus casts out demons
Jesus heals the sick
The Responses to Jubilee (Luke 4:14-15; 22b-30; 34, 36-37; 40-41, 43)
Demons respond to Jesus
The initially positive then wrathful response in Nazareth